Saturday, January 4, 2014

safe natural medicine

The problem with natural healing is, if you avoid the doctor, you might not get to the doctor until it's too late.

There was a TV show about an elderly lady who had a sore in her mouth. She went to the doctor, and they showed the horrible possibilities, because it was diagnosed as cancer. It could very rapidly expand, according to the experience of the doctors, and become a hole in her cheek, and then just a disintegration of the entire side of her face. They thought they could help her with a radical surgery, which she underwent. Apparently she was spared the loss of her face, but she was in very bad shape, not at all happy, and just a shell of her former lovely self.

What would I do for a sore in the mouth that might be cancer? I would stimulate circulation in the entire head area, massaging the scalp and the neck and the shoulders and the cheek bone, gently. I would pay attention to sensations to know where to massage and how. I would turn my neck this way and that, shaking it out, and I would say aaaaah, stretching out my jaw and releasing fear and worry. I would gently massage or just touch my cheek where the irritation was with my fingers - on the out side. Then I would monitor my sensations. Does it feel better?

There is a way to get good advice from doctors, and that is to ask them for advice. If you ask them to do things, they are under tremendous pressure to take that instruction. They are so much in that habit that they might even insist on doing things. But, doctors do have training, that's rooted in knowledge, and if you ask them for advice sometimes they will just give it to you. Ask them to interpret what's going on in your body. Their reply might sound a little like what I've been describing. In other words, doctors are capable of good medicine, with your cooperation. And, if they refuse to give you information, now you really know the meaning of getting a second opinion. The second doctor might give you information. Keep in mind that the reason you aren't getting good information could be the nature of your questions. I can't go on forever telling you how to ask for information from doctors. To some extent, it's luck. Just keep getting more opinions until you get one that sounds right.

One doctor thought, when I didn't want him to do anything, that I wanted to talk to a naturopath. NOT AT ALL. I despise naturopathy. I want to talk to a real doctor, but one who will talk to me. Fortunately I didn't in the end need that doctor's care, and took care of myself - decaying molars, a tricky business - myself. Today, I'm fine, no problems. But a really good doctor wouldn't have just cast me out like that, and there are really good doctors - real doctors, not naturopaths.

Besides, generally it's fine to do what the doctor says. Most tooth extractions of course go fine, and so on. Actually, if you go into a procedure saying "I am strong, I'm going to be fine," that's how it will line up. Bring some inner strength, some determination and resolve, with you, when you go to the doctor.

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